Calendar of
literature sessions
Image: Jeremy Peters, Clare Hall,
2024 Summer Course

London in Literature. Lecture 1. Burney.
Lecture 1 of 6 on London in Literature with Angela Harris. Fanny Burney, Evelina (1778).
Six live online sessions, fortnightly, from 10 Sept. to Nov. 2025.

London in Literature. Lecture 2. Dickens.
Lecture 2 of 6 on London in Literature with Angela Harris. Charles Dickens, Great Expectations (1861)
Six sessions, fortnightly, from 10 Sept. to 19 Nov. 2025.

London in Literature. Lecture 3. Oscar Wilde.
Lecture 3 of 6 on London in Literature with Angela Harris. Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray (1891).
Six live online sessions, fortnightly, from 10 Sept. to 19 Nov. 2025.

London in Literature. Lecture 4. Conrad, The Secret Agent
Lecture 4 of 6 on London in Literature with Angela Harris. Joseph Conrad, The Secret Agent (1907).
Six lectures, fortnightly, from 10 September 2025.

London in Literature. Lecture 5. Mrs Dalloway
Lecture 5 of 6 on London in Literature with Angela Harris. Virginia Woolf, Mrs Dalloway (1925).
Six lectures, fortnightly, from 10 September 2025.

London in Literature. Lecture 6. The Heat of the Day
Lecture 6 of 6 on London in Literature with Angela Harris. Elizabeth Bowen, The Heat of the Day (1948).