Past Seasons of live online lectures on Virginia Woolf
Most recent Seasons are listed first.
Woolf Season IV, 2023-24: Woolf and Freedom
• 9 September 2023. Freedom and the Woman Novelist in The Voyage Out (1915), with Karina Jakubowicz.
• 22 October 2023. War Trauma and Loss of Freedom in Mrs Dalloway (1925), with Trudi Tate.
• 11 November 2023. Women and Freedom in To the Lighthouse (1927), with Alison Hennegan.
• 9 December 2023. Women’s Freedoms through The Years (1937), with Ellie Mitchell.
• 6 January 2024. To the Lighthouse (1927), Art and the Freedom of Movement, with Kabe Wilson.
• 4 February 2024. A Room of One’s Own (1929): Intelligence and Intellectual Freedom, with Natasha Periyan.
• 23 March 2024. Shakespeare’s Sister and Creative Freedom in A Room of One’s Own (1929), with Varsha Panjwani.
• 6 April 2024. Freedom of Thought in Woolf’s Essays, with Beth Rigel Daugherty.
• 4 May 2024. Freedom of The Waves (1931), with Angela Harris.
• 8 June 2024. ‘The Essence of Freedom’ in Three Guineas (1938), with Claire Davison.
Woolf in August 2023
Sunday 6 August 2023. Women in Mrs Dalloway (1925) with Trudi Tate.
Wednesday 16 August 2023. Woolf and Empire: India in Mrs Dalloway (1925) with Trudi Tate.
Wednesday 23 August 2023. Love and Mourning in To the Lighthouse (1927) with Trudi Tate.
Sunday 3 Sept 2023. A Room of One’s Own (1929): After the First World War with Trudi Tate.
Woolf Season III, 2022-23: Woolf and Love
Our third Woolf Season had the theme of Woolf and Love. We explored some of the many kinds of love in her novels: love between women, among friends, in marriage. We explored love and its failure within families; we study love of houses, history, and clothing. Are these all ‘love’? What does this mean? And how does Woolf negotiate the relationship between love and hatred in relationships? We considered these questions and more across 10 lectures, studying 6 Woolf novels and several short stories.
Sessions started in October 2022 and ran until June 2023. All these lectures were newly written for this Season. All live online via Zoom.
Sunday 9 October 2022. Orlando (1928) and Sapphic Love, with Alison Hennegan.
Saturday 19 November 2022. Love and Mourning in To the Lighthouse (1927), with Trudi Tate.
Saturday 3 December 2022. Between the Acts (1941): For Love of Historical Pageants, with Parker Gordon.
Sunday 11 December 2022. Languages of Love in The Waves (1931), with Ellie Mitchell.
Sunday 22 January 2023. Women in Love: Mrs Dalloway (1925), with Trudi Tate.
Saturday 18 February 2023. Love and Freedom in The Years (1937), with Trudi Tate.
Saturday 25 March 2023. Virginia Woolf and Katherine Mansfield: Love and Friendship, with Claire Davison.
Saturday 22 April 2023. Love of Legacy: Orlando (1928), with Karina Jakubowicz.
Saturday 6 May 2023. Virginia Woolf’s Love of Clothing: Mrs Dalloway (1925), with Claire Nicholson.
Sunday 4 June 2023. Mrs Dalloway: Life and Love of the Party, with Ellie Mitchell.
Book any session individually, or book for all 10 sessions for the price of 9.
Virginia Woolf Season I, October 2020-June 2021: we studied all of Woolf’s major works in order of publication
Saturday 24 October 2020, 6 pm The Voyage Out (1915): Packing for the Journey, with Alison Hennegan.
Saturday 14 November 2020, 10 am The Voyage Out: Packing for the Journey,* repeat session with Alison Hennegan
Saturday 21 November 2020, 6 pm Night and Day (1919): Tea and Tradition, with Ellie Mitchell
Saturday 5 December 2020, 6 pm Virginia Woolf, Leonard Woolf, and Politics, with Peter Jones
Saturday 12 December 2020, 10 am Jacob’s Room (1922), with Alison Hennegan
Saturday 12 December 2020, 6 pm Jacob’s Room* (1922), repeat session, with Alison Hennegan
Saturday 19 December 2020, 6 pm Kabe Wilson, On Being Still
Saturday 9 January 2021, 6 pm Mrs Dalloway (1925) 1: Women in Mrs Dalloway, with Trudi Tate.
Sunday 10 January 2021, 10 am Mrs Dalloway (1925) 1: Women in Mrs Dalloway* repeat session, with Trudi Tate
Saturday 16 January 2021, 6 pm Mrs Dalloway (1925) 2: The Landscape of Memory, with Karina Jakubowicz
Saturday 30 January 2021, 6 pm Mrs Dalloway (1925) 3: Dressing Mrs Dalloway, with Claire Nicholson.
Saturday 13 February 2021, 6 pm To the Lighthouse (1927) 1: Art, with Claudia Tobin.
Sunday 14 February 2021, 10 am To the Lighthouse (1927) 2: Gardens, with Trudi Tate
Saturday 20 February 2021, 10 am Orlando (1928): Writing Vita, Writing Life, with Karina Jakubowicz
Sunday 21 February 2021, 6pm To the Lighthouse (1927) 2: Gardens* repeat session, with Trudi Tate
Saturday 27 February 2021, 6 pm Orlando (1928): Writing Vita, Writing Life* repeat session, with Karina Jakubowicz
Saturday 6 March 2021, 6 pm A Room of One’s Own (1929) 1: Androgyny, with Alison Hennegan.
Saturday 13 March 2021, 6 pm A Room of One’s Own (1929) 2: Women, with Trudi Tate.
Sunday 14 March 2021, 10 am A Room of One’s Own (1929) 2: Women,* repeat session with Trudi Tate
Sunday 21 March 2021, 6 pm Music in The Waves (1931), with Emma Sutton
Saturday 3 April 2021, 6 pm The Waves (1931): Percival with Ellie Mitchell
Sunday 4 April 2021, 10 am The Waves (1931): Friendship with Trudi Tate
Saturday 10 April 2021, 6 pm Flush: A Biography (1933), with Alison Hennegan
Sunday 11 April 2021, 6 pm The Waves (1931): Gardens with Karina Jakubowicz
Saturday 24 April 2021, 6 pm Reading The Waves Across a Lifetime, with Dame Gillian Beer*. Live repeat session.
Sunday 2 May 2021, 6 pm The Years (1937), with Anna Snaith
Saturday 8 May 2021, 6 pm Three Guineas (1938) and Music, with Claire Davison
Sunday 16 May 2021, 6 pm To the Lighthouse (1927) 1: Art* repeat session with Claudia Tobin.
Saturday 29 May 2021, 6 pm Between the Acts (1941) 1: Costume, with Claire Nicholson
Sunday 30 May 2021, 6 pm Music in The Waves (1931)*, repeat session with Emma Sutton and Jeremy Thurlow
Saturday 5 June 2021, 10 am Between the Acts (1941) 2: Dispersed are We, with Karina Jakubowicz
Woolf Season II, 2021–2022
Sunday 3 October 2021. Woolf and Empire: India in Mrs Dalloway (1925), with Trudi Tate.
Sunday 24 October 2021. Woolf and Shakespeare: A Room of One’s Own (1929), with Varsha Panjwani.
Sunday 7 November 2021. Woolf and Colour: To the Lighthouse (1927), with Claudia Tobin.
Sunday 28 November 2021. Woolf and Character: The Diary, with Ellie Mitchell.
Saturday 4 December 2021. Woolf and the Victorians: Tennyson in To the Lighthouse (1927), with Trudi Tate.
Sunday 12 December 2021. Woolf and Landscape: The Voyage Out (1915), with Karina Jakubowicz.
Saturday 18 December 2021. Woolf and Theatre: Freshwater, with Ellie Mitchell.
Saturday 8 January 2022. Woolf and Space: Night and Day (1919), with Karina Jakubowicz.
Wednesday 12 Janurary 2022. Woolf and Empire: India in Mrs Dalloway (1927), with Trudi Tate. Live repeat session.*
Sunday 16 January 2022. Music and Empire in The Voyage Out (1915), with Emma Sutton.
Saturday 5 February 2022. Woolf and Newspapers: The Years (1937), with Trudi Tate.
Saturday 19 February 2022. Friendship in The Waves (1931), with Trudi Tate. Live repeat session.*
Sunday 20 March 2022. Woolf and Food: A Room of One’s Own (1929), with Nanette O’Brien.
Saturday 26 March 2022. Tea and Tradition: Night and Day (1919), with Ellie Mitchell. Live repeat session.*
Saturday 9 April 2022. Books and Libraries in Three Guineas (1938), with Claire Davison.
Sunday 10 April 2022. Woolf and Androgyny: A Room of One’s Own (1929), with Alison Hennegan. Live repeat session.*
Sunday 8 May 2022. Virginia Woolf and Clive Bell, with Mark Hussey.