Iris Murdoch and art course 2025

Live online course
Sundays, 16 March to 11 May 2025, 6.00 to 8.00 pm British Time


'I believe in Salvation by art'  – Iris Murdoch

Iris Murdoch is an intensely visual writer who, when searching for inspiration, would regularly visit art galleries across the world. From Frans Hal's Laughing Cavalier in her first novel Under the Net through to Rembrandt's The Polish Rider in her penultimate novel The Green Knight, art and artists populate her fiction. The art works remind the reader of the need to take art seriously; that art was for life's sake, not its own.

In this new course, Miles Leeson will discuss five novels in which Murdoch centres key scenes, or indeed the entire narrative, around a classical work of art. Each lecture will take a novel and its corresponding artwork as a starting point for discussion and consider Murdoch's ideas of love, transcendence, spirituality and connection in relation to her own non-fictional writings (philosophy, poetry, letters, journal entries) to provide a substantive overview of her lifelong obsession with art and the moral life.

Live online course: five lectures and seminars, Sundays, fortnightly, 16 March to 11 May 2025, 6.00 to 8.00 pm.

Dr Miles Leeson is Director of the Iris Murdoch Research Centre at the University of Chichester, UK. He has previously led courses on Murdoch's London, Murdoch's Gothic, and Murdoch and Love for Literature Cambridge. This is our fourth annual Murdoch course.

Lecture list

Lecture 1. 16 March 2025. The Bell (1958)
Lecture 2. 30 March 2025. An Unofficial Rose (1962)
Lecture 3. 13 April 2025. The Nice and the Good (1968)
Lecture 4. 27 April 2025 The Sacred and Profane Love Machine (1974)
Lecture 5. 11 May 2025. The Green Knight (1993)

Set texts

Iris Murdoch, The Bell
Iris Murdoch, An Unofficial Rose
Iris Murdoch, The Nice and the Good
Iris Murdoch, The Sacred and Profane Love Machine
Iris Murdoch, The Green Knight

Art works and novels

Titian, Sacred and Profane Love - Murdoch, The Sacred and Profane Love Machine
Tintoretto, Susannah Bathing - Murdoch, An Unofficial Rose
Bronzino, Venus and Cupid - Murdoch, The Nice and the Good
Rembrandt, The Polish Rider - Murdoch, The Green Knight
Gainsborough, Portrait of the Artist's Two Daughters - Murdoch, The Bell

Optional further reading

John Bayley, The Iris Trilogy: Memoirs of Iris Murdoch (2020)
Peter Conradi, biography of Iris Murdoch (2001)


• Podcast: Miles Leeson and Anne Rowe offer a guide to the paintings that Murdoch used from the Wallace Collection.
• Podcase: Miles and Anne guide on the paintings that Murdoch used from the National Gallery.
• Iris Murdoch Research Centre, University of Chichester
• Peter Conradi, obituary of Iris Murdoch, Guardian, 9 February 1999.
Iris Murdoch Review

Course fees for 5 sessions

£260 full price
£230 students and CAMcard holders
£230 Members of the Iris Murdoch Society

Prices include 20% VAT

Zoom link

We will send you a Zoom link by email approximately 24 hours before the course begins. If the link does not arrive, please let us know by email in good time, at least an hour before the session begins, so we can re-send.


This is a 5-session course, with a live online lecture and seminar each fortnight. The lectures are recorded so that participants can listen again during the course if they wish. The seminars are not recorded.

If you cannot attend a course you have booked

Please note that, because places are limited, we cannot give refunds if you cannot attend a course. But if you contact us in advance, we might be able to transfer your booking to a different course.

Comment from the first Iris Murdoch course:

‘Dr. Leeson is a wonderful speaker on Murdoch, and has an amazingly expansive knowledge of her oeuvre. His lectures opened up a new world of resources to dive into. It was really a treat to attend these fortnightly lectures, and to spend time with other people who wanted to explore Murdoch's novels. I can't wait to pick up where we left off with the Gothic series.’ – Beth, Brighton, UK